Ford government must address hospital staffing shortages: Ontario Liberals

December 5, 2022

QUEEN’S PARK – This week, the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) had to resort to asking the Red Cross staff to help our overwhelmed healthcare workers who struggle to keep up with the surge in sick children.

For months, nurses, doctors, and frontline staff have pleaded for this government to address the staffing shortages in Ontario’s hospitals. But instead of taking action to fix the crisis in our emergency departments, Doug Ford and Sylvia Jones have chosen to sit back and watch as hospitals resort to calling in outside emergency help.

“It is heartbreaking that the Red Cross must be called in to assist CHEO because of staffing shortages,” said Dr. Adil Shamji, MPP for Don Valley East and Ontario Liberal Health Critic. “This is in stark contrast to the Ford government’s assurances that they planned adequately, and it is an indictment of their management of the healthcare system.”

The shortage of critical frontline staff has resulted in historically high wait times, which are compromising patient care and will lead to higher short-term mortality. 

“This government is disconnected from reality,” said MPP John Fraser, Interim Leader of the Ontario Liberal Party. “Doug Ford and Sylvia Jones are not listening to those working on the front lines. They are neglecting our public healthcare system and standing by while sick children can’t get the care that they need.” 

Ontario Liberals are calling on Doug Ford to address the crisis in healthcare by adopting the following measures:

  • Respect the Ontario Court ruling that declares Bill 124 unconstitutional.
  • Regulate temporary for-profit nursing agencies.
  • Incentivize retired nurses to return to work.
  • Increase transparency around health performance data.
  • Work to immediately maximize supports for primary care, home care and long-term care.
  • Maximize health promotion measures to promote masking, vaccination and other measures to keep the public safe.

Carter Brownlee

Press Secretary, Ontario Liberal Party



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