Doug Ford Wants to Abandon Ontario to Save Himself
January 13, 2025
QUEEN'S PARK - Bonnie Crombie, leader of Ontario’s Liberals, today slammed Doug Ford over his negligent, self-interested desire to call a snap election a year-and-a-half early in Ontario.
“Doug Ford wants to abandon his post,” Crombie said. “He wants to run away from his duties as Premier while facing the biggest battle our province has seen in a very long time. Instead of treating looming tariffs as the serious threat they are, he wants to use them as an excuse for an illegitimate early election.”
“He is planning to put your jobs and your livelihood on the line. All because he cares more about his own hide, more about his power, than he does about you and your family,” she said. “In the military – Doug Ford would be court-martialed for dereliction of duty.”
An early election would cost Ontario $175 million dollars at a moment when the province is failing to provide the basics real people need.
“So WHY would he do something so reckless… so negligent?” Crombie said. “Well, we know the answer to that.”
“Doug Ford is running from an RCMP investigation that could result in criminal charges against his closest advisors and friends.”
Crombie called on the Premier to do the right thing and do his duty as Premier at a moment when uncertainty in Ottawa and looming tariffs from Washington require real leadership, not cynical political plays.
“Your Premier should be working for you. Your Premier should be actually doing something something to ensure the people of Ontario are going to be OK, Crombie said. “It’s about getting the basics right for people so we can weather any storm: Lower taxes, a strong public healthcare system that provides you a family doctor and a home you can afford.”
Ontario’s Liberals are ready to fight an election, if Ford is so reckless as to call one, Crombie assured. The party has been rapidly nominating candidates, secured its campaign team and is ready to run a fully funded campaign.
“So if there is an opportunity for the people of Ontario to choose CHANGE — we won’t sleep on it,” Crombie said. “You don’t have to settle for a guy who will abandon you to save himself.”
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